Monday, November 18, 2013

Silly me. Buy the shirt!

I've cursed every city I've gone to for the past eight years. It all started when I visited Seattle on an annual family vacation when I was barely a teenager, hoping to find some cool souvenir to show off to my friends. I roamed through every store and street car until I finally came across a really cool Seattle Seahawks Tshirt, which would suffice for me. Side note - I grew up loving sports and always watched every game on TV, even as a little girl, so this wasn't weird for me to be this excited to buy a NFL shirt as a souvenir. After the trip to Seattle, I decided I'd make it a "thing" to buy a Tshirt of the major sports team of every city I visit in my annual family vacation. Basketball, football, baseball, basically whatever the city was known for. Well, little did I know that after buying that damned Seahawks Tshirt, I would curse every city I'd walk into for the rest of my life.

That year, shortly after I bought that Tshirt, the Seahawks went to Super Bowl. Cool, right? Well, the Seahawks lost in an embarrassing defeat against the Pittsburg Steelers. That same year I also went to St. Louis to visit some family members. I unfortunately didn't get a shirt that time. Well, good news for the Cardinals, they won the World Series! This would continue to 2012, when I went to San Francisco for the PRSSA National Conference. I shopped around for a shirt, but didn't find one I like. What happened that year? Oh, just the San Francisco giants winning the World Series and the SF 49ers going to the Super Bowl. Ugh.

One - how incredibly weird and creepy is it that every city I went to went to the championship the same year I visited? Two - if I didn't buy their dang Tshirt they'd win a freaking national title? This happened EVERY YEAR. 2006, 2007, 2008, to now. You better believe I've been careful since that trip to Seattle. I'm cursed by a Tshirt. Freaking ridiculous. 

Silly me.

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